The Matrix Revealed


Chemical Spraying And Geoengineering

By now I would suspect that most everyone has seen these streaks across the sky on numerous occasions. While we would like to think that they are nothing more then normal condensation trails made my planes, condensation trails disappear quite quickly, where as chemtrails linger throughout the day and sometimes even into evening. In many instances these trails are overlapping, sometimes numerous times giving the appearance of a tick-tack-toe board.

In February 2014, a US Air Force veteran and whistle-blower named Kristen Meghan stated publicly that chemtrails are very real and that she had witnessed the evidence of it firsthand. As part of her job as an environmental engineer, she was aware of exactly what chemicals were going in and out of US military facilities and what they were being used for — or at least she thought she did.

Meghan further stated that such activities have been happening since the 1940s, with the end goal geared toward controlling individual countries' ecosystems. Perhaps her response as to where her proof of this was is quite telling: "If you try to take a picture in a restricted air hanger, you will have a M-16 in your back. People are scared to come forward."

Whistle-blower Edward Snowden is perhaps one of the most polarizing people of the last decade, and for obvious reasons. Supposedly, one of the many secrets Snowden leaked to the public was the use of chemtrails by the US government in an attempt to control agriculture. Further to this, these projects were more often than not funded by black budget programs—programs that officially don't exist yet account for vast amounts of public spending.

According to Snowden (and others, including a group called the Agriculture Defence Coalition), agriculture as a whole is under attack from "experimental weather and atmospheric testing programs," essentially toxins and chemicals delivered from above through the atmosphere and rainfall, or chemtrails. Given the highly controversial subject of GMOs, it is easy to see why some people believe "organic agriculture" would be targeted. If successful, this would force people to turn to GMO produce, and in doing so, hand more money and control to those who govern them.

However, this is and has always been the plan of the (so called) Elites. Agenda 21 is something that I personally would call Inherently Evil, and despite many people raising concerns about this Agenda, it is moving along at break neck speeds. Agenda 21 is something that EVERYONE should be aware of, as this is something that will affect the entire world (YES YOU TOO) and is something that will not be good for any one of us. Genetically Modified Foods, Smart Grids, Water, Soil, Air Contamination and Population Reduction are just some of the highlights of this totally Insane Agenda.

I can't stress this enough, if there is ONE THING on this site you should familiarize yourself with IT IS; AGENDA 21.

People, Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 or Sustainable Development which is what they now call this Agenda, which is nothing more than a TOTAL TAKE OVER of all Land, Food, Water, Fuel and Industry. It is also the Key to open the door for The New World Order, or One World Order. Their goals are Control of The World's Population (think about that for a minute). They want to move everyone away of any type of personal land ownership into Control Groups within a Metro setting where everyone is under total surveillance 24 hours a day. I would suggest that everyone NOT take this lightly, as this is EXTREMELY SERIOUS and everyone needs to be aware of this, as if it is not put into check NOW, we are all in big trouble. And I Mean All Of US. So please, pay attention to the video's below on this Agenda and the Geoengineering, as this affects All Of US.

Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 / Sustainable Development

Ann Bressington bravely exposes UN Agenda 21, that is now UN Agenda 2030. But the United Nations now likes to refer to this entire evil agenda as "Sustainable Development" which is put in place in order to pacify the masses and to come across as being benevolent in nature, when in fact it is quite the opposite. There is nothing Benevolent about Agenda 21 / Adenda 2030 or what ever they would like to call it now. In fact, it is one of the most disruptive Agenda's that has ever been put forth and only has The New World Order in mind, while seeking total control and world wide domination, including land ownership, what you eat and drink, where you live and even what form of transportation you use, etc. This Agenda will see the entire world enslaved, which will bring about a One World Government, One World Religion and One World Currency. This is NO JOKE people, this is happening, while we sit back and DO NOTHING. Folks we are in Dire Straights at the moment... We cannot sit back and hope somebody else stands up and does something, we need to tell everyone and talk about this to our friends and family and make them aware of what is happening. We have to get Educated and Educate others so that the message gets out. We Must WAKE UP. They CANNOT Be Allowed To Herd Us Into A Pen and Control Us Like LiveStock.

Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed

Rosa Koire address's this very urgent matter that the world seems to be totally oblivious to. It is high time we got out heads out the sand started paying some attention before we no longer have anything we can call our own. As mentioned above, This IS NO JOKE my friends. This is WORLD WIDE and not just happening in some country in some far off land. This is right on our doorstep, and is coming at us like a freight train. The people who are trying to form this One World Government DO NOT CARE about you or I in the slightest... It is all about Greed, Power and Control and they are after it all. These people are absolutely driven by the need to control, not only all the resources of the world, but the people, the population and every aspect of our lives. So as I have said numerous times, Do Not Take This Lightly, as this Affects YOU and I and everyone we have ever cared about in our lives. They will stop at nothing to get what they want and at the present time, we are doing NOTHING to stop them.

Agenda 21 The Plan To Kill You

This is perhaps one of the most disturbing aspects of this entire category. Why I say this is all the sub categories associated in this section are a direct result of this Agenda. Agenda 21 has been in the works for a very long time, it is a plan that was hatched by a choice few individuals who are considered to be (what is commonly called) the Elites. The Rockefellers are front and center when it comes to this absolutely Evil plan and are also who are orchestrating it from the shadows. What we will see from this agenda is Land Being Ceased by Governemts around the world, The Killing off of countless people through various methods, Contamination of Soil, Water and Air and wars breaking out all over the middle east. My Friends, this agenda is absolutely and totally Evil and being carried out by people who have Zero Empathy for any of us. This video is one that should be viewed by all, so that you can come to a good understanding of what is already taking place in many places around the world at this moment and also what will be coming to your very doorstep.

Geoengineering And Weather Modification

What is happening in our skies is nothing short of alarming. The chemical spraying is at an all time high world wide and it just seems to be getting worse. While we would like to think that the governments of the world have our best interest at heart, we all know that throughout history this has not been the case. The chemicals that are being sprayed into our atmosphere are of a toxic nature and tests that are being conducted verify this. The amounts of Aluminum which soil samples are coming back with are shocking. Not only are the tests that are conducted on soil shocking but when you stop and think that it's raining down on us as well. How can this in any way be good ? And this is all being done under the false premise of global warming, which anyone with any knowledge at all knows is nothing more then a fabricated hoax and a gigantic money grab on the part of the United Nations. Please take the time to look into this and come to your own conclusions.

Watch This! Then Try to Deny It

For those that still have not gotten a grip on what these maniacs are doing to our skies I will put up another short video done by TruthStream Media who have been gathering evidence on the chemical spraying of the skies. I have been trying for a very long time to tell people about what is going on, only to be met with, ohhhhhh yeahhh, that chemtrails thing again. I have to admit that people are so entirely dumbed down, no wonder these people can get away with what they are doing. Nobody is paying any form of attention to it at all. Everyone is too busy trying to make money and worried about what they are going to buy next to pay an attention to the fact that our world is being destroyed right under our noses. Not only that but if we just take a minute and look at the health problems associated with this it should make everyone stop what they are doing and start asking questions. I can't stress it enough folks, keep your eyes on the skies and see it for yourself as they are putting harmful toxic metals in our skies without any type of resistance from the population at all.

It's Finally Admitted: 'We're Living in a Test Already'

So it is admitted that we are all in a test of an aerosol spraying event that will not stop. These people have no concern what so ever for any of us and do not seem to care about any type of consequences that might arise because of these blatant acts of treason. Yes I said treason. I think that any government that blatantly puts their citizens at risk without informing the population of even the slightest risk to their health is committing treason against it's people. What would the government do if a plane from another country flew over and sprayed who knows what over one of our cities.??? They would most likely shoot that plane down and call for war against the country responsible, but yet they do it to their own people without any consequences.? We don't mean anything to these people my friends, we are merely sheep and as long as we continue to pay our taxes to these thieves we will be left alone to graze. The laws that are put in place only apply to the citizens and not to the people committing the real crimes against humanity.!!!

The Climate Agenda - LOOK UP !!!

The staunch resistance of people to acknowledge that this is happening is stunning to me to say the least. I mean for goodness sakes, doesn't anybody LOOK UP anymore ??? I understand that most people are distracted as this is all by design. If we just take a moment and watch the people around us we will see that the vast majority of them (when ever there is a free moment) have their faces buried in their cell phones. If we think for a moment that this is just how society is now, we have either forgotten or never knew how simple life was prior to all of these distractions being put in front of us. We simply cannot go through our lives without a firm understanding on what is going on around us my friends. Our skies are being so vastly polluted by these maniac's that before long we will be lucky if there is any time within a day that we see the sun at all. I beg of you, Look Up and see for yourself what is actually going on above your head. As when you see (and you will see) then you will understand why I keep hammering away at this topic trying to get people to wake up.