The Matrix Revealed


The Big Bang Joke We Are All Told

Boy oh Boy, where does a person even start with this madness? I mean really.. This is such a stupid theory that its hard to keep from laughing while at the same time trying to be serious in attempting to explain this nonsense in any type of rational way. Yet without it, the entire theory of evolution may as well get tossed right into the garbage can.

You see my friends, this is how they do it, or perhaps better put, this is how they have Done It. They have meticulously Backwards Engineered this entire world and universe. When the heliocentric model was first brought to light, they also had to have an alternative means for creation. Thus, the Big Bang had to be manufactured in order to make the heliocentric model appear (at the very least) to be feasible.

Meanwhile the theory of heliocentrism has been injected into our public school systems and taught as being factual right along with evolution, when in fact they are both only speculations at best and hold no basis in fact what so ever.

All of this is once again done with only one motive in mind, and that my friends is to hide God The Father, and His creation.

Over the course of approximately the last 150 years or so the vast majority of the general public has slowly but surely been indoctrinated into believing this utter nonsense which most do not even so much as question, but who instead happily to go through life without ever looking into or researching any part of this ridiculous concept.

Yet, if anyone stops long enough to gather just the slightest bit of basic information on this so called theory, it quickly becomes abundantly clear that not only is this drummed up version of creation False, it bares absolutely no resemblence to scientific fact what-so-ever. In fact what we find is that the Big Bang Theory can very quickly be placed into the category of what is commonly referred to as pseudoscience.

The public and private school sectors alike have adopted this into their curricular, and teach it from grade school well up into post secondary, and university levels of education. So when students graduate they are already firmly indoctrinated into the principles of The Big Bang Theory, The Heliocentric model of the universe and of course the Darwinian Evolutionary Principles. And the crazy thing is, All of These Half Baked Theories Have Been Proven To Be FALSE time and time again...

But this is only part of the problem, as what these school systems are doing is basically indoctrinating and creating a whole new generation of Atheists because of it. They are doing everything possible to take God the Father and His only begotten Son totally out of these young people's minds and most certainly out their lives. Now I ask you, who would want to see that transpire.? I don't think it takes somebody with a university degree to figure out the answer this question.

However, the question to us should be how this has been allowed to happen without any type of official protest.? It wasn't long ago that the Lord's Prayer was abolished from schools, and soon thereafter all ties to creation seemed to be tossed out of the window and replaced by Darwinism, Heliocentrism (which is essentially sun worship) and The Big Bang theory.

To me, this is beyond upsetting, which left me little to no choice but to dig even deeper into these flawed concepts in order to see exactly where all of this is stemming from and also where it is inevitably heading. You might be surprised to find out where all of this has led me, and believe me when I say that this topic is only the very tip of an extremely large iceberg.

We are being led around like a bunch of dumbed down sheep in a world full of Hungry Wolves my friends. If you stick with this site section by section you will begin to see how it all fits together into a neat package that has been in the works since before the Biblical Flood.

This entire thing has been orchestrated for centuries by a very old and patient entity that is known to us by several names, one of those being; The Father of All Lies.

So lets take a look at some of this information and see what some so called scientists and mainstream institutions are passing off as reality shall we.

Always keep in mind, all I can do is offer you a look at the material which I have found, as always I leave it up to you to come to your own final conclusions...

The Jesuits Big Bang Lie.

Most people don't know but it was a Vatican Jesuit priest Georges Lemaître, that came up with the big bang theory. The Jesuit priest was a colleague of Albert Einstein. So it's no wonder when Pope Francis says he believes in the 'Big Bang Theory' and evolution. The purpose has been to change the perception of the masses regarding the earth, the authority of the Bible, the universe, and the Creator's position in it. This in turn has done catastrophic damage to the minds of the unsuspecting people who put their trust in these institutions and figure heads, but instead of receiving wholesome and advantagous instructions and truth which should lead to a path that would see them aquire and maintain a relationship with their Creator and His only begotten Son, they are instead led astray by Doctrines of Demons. This change lays the groundwork for the overwhelming delusion shortly to come upon the world under the first woe, or fifth trumpet, prophesied in Revelation 9.

Big Bang Lie & The New Age Deception.

The entire big bang universe has been put in place to give us no purpose while being told we are just an accident at best. This will open us up to the great deception that will come into the world in the last days. In 1951 Pope Pius XII declared that Georges Lemaitre's (creator of the big bang theory) work proved the Christian dogma of divine creation of the universe. Then history repeated itself. Evidence surfaced that the "Big Bang" might not really be a workable theory in the form of General Relativity. Needless to say, this suggestion that the Big Bang could not happen, provoked the same exact reaction as the suggestion that the Earth might not be the center of everything. Instead of questioning the basic assumption, great effort was made to find a way to evolve the new data in terms acceptable to the assumption of a universe spawned in a single moment of creation. Mans progress is not measured by the reaches of his science but by the limits of his superstition. The truth is known, but the truth is unpopular, so the truth is hidden.

The Atheist Delusion.

I continue to say how our school systems have brainwashed our youth, but this is perhaps the best evidence to show you how deeply the brainwashing actually goes. It's sad to see what these institutions have done, but hope is not yet lost. By asking just a few fundamental questions we can ignite the critical thinking in people and it seems that once you do they immediately start to question what they have been taught. Despite the presenter still being enslaved by the heliocentric globe model he does a good job with these kids, and I'm sure as he continues to grow he will begin to see that the Bible teaches a much different aspect of how our earth actually is. I'm also quite certain you will see how satanic and ungodly our education system has become, and how it is designed to mold these young minds with doctrines of demons. They have been manipulated into accepting the Theory of Evolution as fact, when we know it to be complete and utter hogwash, and the worst thing is, you can clearly see that all they want is The Truth.

Satan's Upside Down World.

This presentation gives a very well defined look at Yahuah's Creation. If you are familiar with the Bible you will quickly see how the Bible itself interprets creation as opposed to what man has twisted it into. Man has done a grave injustice to our Father by taking His creation and turning it into something that Satan himself has designed, and that is only alive within our imaginations. There is absolutely NO TRUTH to this concept of the earth that we have been shown; It is Kept alive within our education systems, and especially within Hollywood and various space agencies, who flood the News and Social Media with artist concepts and computer generated images of places that are nothing more than imaginary. We have been so heavily indoctrinated that we accept all of this without question, when in truth, we are being lied to on such a grand scale that it is almost impossible to measure. We have to wake up out of our slumber and see the world how it was meant to be seen by our Creator, which is vastly different from what we have been shown.

Exposing The Big Bang For The Lie It Is.

This video is really quite self evident in it's explanation of the Big Bang Theory. To me it is quite concerning that people would blindly follow such a stupid notion without taking just a bit of time to look into the validity of this entire concept. This is nothing short of pseudoscience at best or at the very least scientism. Pseudoscience, or better described as The Theology of Quackery makes no sense on the face of it and has no basis in fact what so ever. Yet otherwise logical people have fallen headlong for this nonsense even though none of it can be proven, and all of it is too good or too easy to be true. Pseudoscience is philosophical, political, religious/occult theories that seek legitimacy by claiming that they are scientific theories, while the fact remains, that they are either not testable, or they abuse the use of abductive reasoning. The beauty of science is supposed to be that they admit what they find and not use the label of "science" like a modern religious icon to push agendas onto people! Anyone who says that "Science is settled" is not being scientific, they are being propagandistic! The "Big Bang" coincided nicely with religious doctrine just as had been the case with epicycles (and despite the embarrassment thereof) religious institutions sought to encourage this new model of the universe over all others, including the then prevalent "steady state" theory.